Thursday, July 5, 2012

tea and potatoes

today i'm in the garden again and also daring to try a new-to-me craft. i've admired Di's beautiful needlepoint before but never found the right pattern to tempt me. that's until i saw the cutest cushion in Mollie Makes magazine #12 in an interior spread  and thought i'd have a go at making my own pattern. i'll show more of this as it progresses.

stitching in the vege patch

while the weather stays fine i'm also cutting strips from recycled denim clothing to make my own yarn, inspired by forever love, also featured in Mollie Makes #13 (anyone notice a trend here?). this is a messy activity creating lots of fluff, so it's a perfect way to enjoy the sun while still getting a bit of crafting in. i haven't decided what to make from my yarn yet, but i can't wait to try it out!

recycling jeans

denim strips

i think my 'dutch cream' potatoes are really enjoying my company; i've complimented them on their glossy foliage and gently warned them of impending frosts, all the while thinking of mass murder mashing! ssshhhh

by the way, i get my Mollie Makes locally from Albany's Paperbark bookshop or from Brooks Garden newsagent. you have to be fast but its worth it; nothing compares to having that copy in your hot little hand to browse over a cuppa. i know the spin doctors say books will be obsolete in the future, but i'll never give up  that smell of paper and being able to read in bed for hours! thanks for your comment Bec!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everywhere

we are having a run of beautiful sunny weather at the moment, it almost feels like spring already. the daffodils are out in the garden and the warm sun turns my thoughts to...spring cleaning! well, short bursts of spring cleaning that is because it takes time to warm up in the frosty mornings and the night draws in quite early as well.

thrifted sweetie jar

that fits in well with my new philosophy of making smaller projects with quicker results. no longer will i try to whip up a crocheted afghan in 24 hours or a mini wardrobe in a day, but instead make a cushion, pot up some plants or rearrange one room with the small snippets of time i have.

rainbow crochet

i can't go past Mollie Makes magazine for inspiring and simple projects to spruce up the house. i don't just read it for the articles, it has beautiful interiors and heaps of info on new blogs and websites to visit as well. issue thirteen had this crocheted jar cover from love the bluebird that i had to make because i love rainbows. i customised the pattern by leaving off the base so that it would stand more securely and it was done in an hour, perfect for my vintage knitting needles.

technicolour crochet bag

i also finished off this crochet bag from Better Homes and Gardens magazine July 2012. i am debating on adding a lining to it, but i just love how the late afternoon sun shines through the crochet and it makes me think of lazy summer days at the beach (all that sand can just fall through the holes).
comments and suggestions please!